Replacement pattern for an anonymous class in Dart Replacement pattern for an anonymous class in Dart dart dart

Replacement pattern for an anonymous class in Dart

I don't think there's a general answer for your question. It really depends on your code. You can ever create a class for all anonymous class or refactor your API and try to avoid them.

For instance your sample code could be refactored to use functions to define get/set :

final table = new Table<Part>()    ..addColumn(new Column<Part>(        "Part Number",         (p) => p.number.toString(),        (p, s) => p.number = s))    ..addColumn(new Column<Part>(        "Part Description",         (p) => p.desc.toString(),         (p, s) => p.desc = s));

Here's what the underlying code could be :

typedef String ColumnGetter<T>(T t);typedef void ColumnSetter<T>(T t, String s);class Column<T> {  final String name;  final ColumnGetter<T> get;  final ColumnSetter<T> set;  Column(, this.get, this.set);}class Table<T> {  List<T> _elements;  final _columns = [];  void addColumn(Column<T> column) => _columns.add(column);  void set elements(List<T> elements) {    this._elements = elements;    // updateDisplay  }}