Sorting a list of HtmlElements by Text Sorting a list of HtmlElements by Text dart dart

Sorting a list of HtmlElements by Text

I haven't tried it but I think it should work when you add .toList(). I think this should copy it to a standard list which is sortable.

 this.onClick.listen((e){     this.parent.nextElementSibling.children.toList().sort((Row a,Row b)=>         num.parse(a.children[this.visibleIndex].text).         compareTo(num.parse(b.children[this.visibleIndex].text)));    });   

import 'dart:html';UListElement list;ButtonInputElement boton;main() {  list = querySelector('#list');   boton.onClick.listen( (e) => sort() );}void sort(){  list.children = list.children.toList()                  ..sort((LIElement x, LIElement y)=> y.text.length.compareTo(x.text.length) );  }