Trouble with WebSockets in Flutter Trouble with WebSockets in Flutter dart dart

Trouble with WebSockets in Flutter

Turns out you channel.sink.add accepts a string and not a Map.


channel.sink.add({"action": "saveConnection","UserName": "","DeviceId": "1d0032000947363339343638"});


channel.sink.add('{"action": "saveConnection","UserName": "","DeviceId": "1d0032000947363339343638"}');

and it should work.

The web_socket_channel package has tools that are needed to connect to a WebSocket server. The package provides a WebSocketChannel that allows users to both listen to messages from the server and push messages to the server.

Use the following line to create a WebSocketChannel that connects to a server:

var channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect("ws://localhost:1234");

Listen to messages from the server:

StreamBuilder(   stream:,   builder: (context, snapshot) {     return Text(snapshot.hasData ? '${}' : '');   }, ); 

Send Data to the Server:

To send data to the server, add() messages to the sink provided by the WebSocketChannel as shown below:


Close the Connection:To close the connection to the WebSocket use the below:


I don't understand what you want. But If you want websocket, you can refer below one.

  1. Add Dart Pub

  2. Add class

    class SignalServer { static SignalServer _instatnce; factory SignalServer() => _instatnce ?? new SignalServer._(); SignalServer._(); SocketIO socketIO; int State = 0; void ConnectServer() async {   this.socketIO = await SocketIOManager().createInstance("");   socketIO.onConnect((data) {    print("Signal server connected");    State = 1;   });   socketIO.onDisconnect((_) {    print("Signal Disconnected");    State = 0;   });   socketIO.connect(); }}
  3. For Instance(main.dart)

    static SignalServer signalServer;....signalServer = new SignalServer();signalServer.ConnectServer();
  4. For use

In any widget

 void initState() {  super.initState();  setSocketEvent(); } void setSocketEvent() async{   await MyApp.signalServer.socketIO.on("room-ready", (data) {     //enter your code   });   await MyApp.signalServer.socketIO.on("on-message", (data) {     //enter your code   });   ... }

I hope it will help you.