UI lags during heavy computation operation in Flutter even with async UI lags during heavy computation operation in Flutter even with async dart dart

UI lags during heavy computation operation in Flutter even with async

Instead of this

TextButton(  child: Text("Hash Password"),  onPressed: () {    hash("ThisIsTheMasterPassword").then((value) {      print(value);    });})

use this

TextButton(      child: Text("Hash Password"),      onPressed: () async{        hash("ThisIsTheMasterPassword").then((value) {          print(value);        });    })


TextButton(      child: Text("Hash Password"),      onPressed: ()async {       var value=await hash("ThisIsTheMasterPassword");print(value);    })

You can use isolate to calculate of sth out of the main thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrFTt1NZed8

compute(hash, "ThisIsTheMasterPassword");

Further reading https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/networking/background-parsing