Unable to debug flutter dart code in VS Code, Unverified Breakpoint error Unable to debug flutter dart code in VS Code, Unverified Breakpoint error dart dart

Unable to debug flutter dart code in VS Code, Unverified Breakpoint error

i came from mac and always use fn + f5, on windows that means start withouth debugggin, that was my mistake.

Clicking Run on the top menu in VS code and selecting 'Enable all breakpoints' worked for me. Though you have to place your breakpoint first.

You can also try placing your breakpoint and save your code, then leave the emulator running and close and restart your vs code IDE and run the app with debugging.

 "version": "0.2.0",  "configurations": [    {      "name": "Flutter",      "request": "launch",      "type": "dart",      "flutterMode": "debug"    }  ]}

This is my launch.json file ... changing "flutterMode" from profile to debug solved the issue ... if you dont have this line adding it could help.