Unable to work with Flutter Stateful widget Unable to work with Flutter Stateful widget dart dart

Unable to work with Flutter Stateful widget

The problem is with the scope of your level variable. It shouldn't be in your build method but in your class

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {//Moved level here.  int level = 0;  @override  Widget build(BuildContext context) {    return MaterialApp(      home: Scaffold(        appBar: AppBar(          title: Text('Stateful Widget'),        ),        body: Center(          child: Column(            children: [              Text('$level'),              RaisedButton(                child: Text('Increment'),                onPressed: () {                  setState(() {                    level = level + 1;                    print(level);                  });                },              ),            ],          ),        ),      ),    );  }}