Using Dart and Bootstrap Using Dart and Bootstrap dart dart

Using Dart and Bootstrap

  1. you can use the asset/ folder to put these files. However the builtin server in the editor does not support asset for now, you will have to use pub serve. To access them use /assets/<pkg_name>/<path> (see How to refer to assets). Alternatively you can put those files under /lib/ and access them with packages/<pkg_name>/<path>.
  2. you can use minified versions.

I've been using bookjack which so far has been fine.

Usage First of all in your HTML file, you need to include the CSS resource:

  <head><link rel="stylesheet" href="packages/bootjack/css/bootstrap.min.css"> </head>

There are also some further examples.

Using it like this seems to help keep the project simpler, in that I don't have to worry about where the files actually are, they are in a package.

I found that if I am using Angular Dart and in the view I can do this and it works, but it has to be within the view where the

<div id="datepicker-inline"></div><script>$( document ).ready(function() {   console.log($('#datepicker-inline').get(0));   $('#datepicker-inline').bdatepicker({ inline: true, showOtherMonths:true });});</script>