Using generics vs returning dynamic in Dart Using generics vs returning dynamic in Dart dart dart

Using generics vs returning dynamic in Dart

I think this is a good question, the main difference between generics and dynamic to me is:

Generics are restricted to only 1 type, while dynamic is not because it stops the compiler to perform "type checking".

Real example:

class Foo<T> {  var bar = List<T>();  var foo = List<dynamic>();  void addBar(T elem) {    bar.add(elem);  }  void addFoo(dynamic elem) {    foo.add(elem);  }}var bar = Foo<String>()  ..addBar("hello")  ..addBar(123); //compile error, you can't add an integer to <string> listvar foo = Foo<String>()  ..addFoo("hello")  ..addFoo(123); //OK because dynamic accept any type

Dynamics enable you to use mixed maps Map<String, dynamic> or "emulate" union types logic like:

dynamic foo = //some type;if (foo is bool) {  //do somethings} else if (foo is String) {  //do something else}

without using interfaces or inheritance for types.

So the next question should be, what is the difference between Object and dynamic?

You can find the answer here: