will ts2dart continue being maintained? will ts2dart continue being maintained? dart dart

will ts2dart continue being maintained?

ts2dart is a TypeScript to Dart transpiler. It's mainly used to translate Angular 2 from TypeScript to Dart.

This project never was indended to be independent TypeScript to Dart transpiler.
The main goal was to translate Angular 2 from TypeScript to Dart.

Recently instead of using TypeScript to compile to JavaScript and Dart, the Dart portion will be spun out into its own codebase with its own team (info from https://www.infoq.com).

Also information from Angular blog: http://angularjs.blogspot.ru/2016/07/a-dedicated-team-for-angulardart.html

If you're a TypeScript or JavaScript developer, you'll also benefit from cleaner JavaScript APIs and performance gains as we simplify the TypeScript codebase to remove the need for compilation to Dart.

This means that TypeScript to Dart transpiler is no more needed (useless thing).