Android how to query huge database in android (cursor size is limited to 1MB) Android how to query huge database in android (cursor size is limited to 1MB) database database

Android how to query huge database in android (cursor size is limited to 1MB)

I found a way to handle this and I want to share with all who need it.

   int limit = 0;   while (limit + 100 < numberOfRows) {       //Compose the statement       String statement = "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER someField LIMIT '"+ limit+"', 100";       //Execute the query       Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery(statement, null);       while (cursor.moveToNext()) {           Product product = new Product();           product.setAllValuesFromCursor(cursor);           productsArrayList.add(product);      }      cursor.close();      limit += 100; } //Compose the statement String statement = "SELECT * FROM Table ORDER someField LIMIT '"+  (numberOfRows - limit)+"', 100"; //Execute the query Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery(statement, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) {     Product product = new Product();     product.setAllValuesFromCursor(cursor);     productsArrayList.add(product); } cursor.close();

The main idea is to split your data, so you can use the cursor as it should be used. It's working under 2 s for 5k rows if you have indexed table.


Well as a rule you never do select *. For a start each row will have a unique identifier, and your user will want to select only certain rows and columns - ie what they can see on an android screen. Without appearing to be rude this is a pretty basic question. You only return the columns and rows you want to display for that screen on the phone - otherwise you consume unnecssary battery life transfering never to be diaplayed data. the standard approach is to used parameterised stored procedures. Google parameterised stored procedures and do a little reading - by the by - you cant update any table unlees you return the unique row identifier for that table.

Do you need all these rows at the same time? Can you fetch them in parts? This question has been asked several times: Android SQLite and huge data sets

Here's one more suggestion: If you have 90 fields that you need to modify, split them into 10 different views. On each view have a left arrow and right arrow so you can horizontally traverse across screens. Hence each view will show 9 fields. Or some strategy like that. Essentially these are all the same views except for column names so you shouldn't have to modify much code.