Auto Generate Database Diagram for PHPMyadmin DB? [closed] Auto Generate Database Diagram for PHPMyadmin DB? [closed] database database

Auto Generate Database Diagram for PHPMyadmin DB? [closed]

Yes you can generate ERD with PHPMyAdmin. PHPMyadmin added this functionality from version 3.4

detail step to generate ERD:

You can refer to PHPMyAdmin documentation for more info:

MySQL Workbench will reverse engineer and engineer scripts for you. Output will be similar to what you have above, but not identical.

Try Vertabelo. It's an online database modeler working under Chrome. It is:

  • free to use,
  • OS independent,
  • allows versioning,
  • supports model validation,
  • generates SQL scripts for particular database:
  • allows sharing your DB model with other members of your team,
  • allows reverse engineering - so you can easily migrate your database to Vertabelo,
  • suports following databases:
    • PostgreSQL,
    • MySQL,
    • Oracle,
    • IBM DB2,
    • HSQLDB,
    • MS SQL Server.