Clickhouse as time-series storage Clickhouse as time-series storage database database

Clickhouse as time-series storage

There are more than one ways to use CH as a time series database.My personal preference is to use one string array for metric names and one Float64 array for metric values.

This is a sample time series table:

CREATE TABLE ts1(    entity String,    ts UInt64, -- timestamp, milliseconds from January 1 1970    m Array(String), -- names of the metrics    v Array(Float32), -- values of the metrics    d Date MATERIALIZED toDate(round(ts/1000)), -- auto generate date from ts column    dt DateTime MATERIALIZED toDateTime(round(ts/1000)) -- auto generate date time from ts column) ENGINE = MergeTree(d, entity, 8192)

Here we are loading two metrics (load, temperature) for an entity(cpu):

INSERT INTO ts1(entity, ts, m, v) VALUES ('cpu', 1509232010254, ['load','temp'], [0.85, 68])

And querying cpu load:

SELECT     entity,     dt,     ts,     v[indexOf(m, 'load')] AS loadFROM ts1 WHERE entity = 'cpu'┌─entity─┬──────────────────dt─┬────────────ts─┬─load─┐│ cpu    │ 2017-10-28 23:06:50 │ 1509232010254 │ 0.85 │└────────┴─────────────────────┴───────────────┴──────┘

Get data as array of tuples:

SELECT     entity,     dt,     ts,     arrayMap((mm, vv) -> (mm, vv), m, v) AS metricsFROM ts1 ┌─entity─┬──────────────────dt─┬────────────ts─┬─metrics─────────────────────┐│ cpu    │ 2017-10-28 23:06:50 │ 1509232010254 │ [('load',0.85),('temp',68)] │└────────┴─────────────────────┴───────────────┴─────────────────────────────┘

Get data as rows of tuples:

SELECT     entity,     dt,     ts,     arrayJoin(arrayMap((mm, vv) -> (mm, vv), m, v)) AS metricFROM ts1 ┌─entity─┬──────────────────dt─┬────────────ts─┬─metric────────┐│ cpu    │ 2017-10-28 23:06:50 │ 1509232010254 │ ('load',0.85) ││ cpu    │ 2017-10-28 23:06:50 │ 1509232010254 │ ('temp',68)   │└────────┴─────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘

Get rows with the metric you want:

SELECT     entity,     dt,     ts,     arrayJoin(arrayMap((mm, vv) -> (mm, vv), m, v)) AS metricsFROM ts1 WHERE metrics.1 = 'load'┌─entity─┬──────────────────dt─┬────────────ts─┬─metrics───────┐│ cpu    │ 2017-10-28 23:06:50 │ 1509232010254 │ ('load',0.85) │└────────┴─────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘

Get metric names and values as columns:

SELECT     entity,     dt,     ts,     arrayJoin(arrayMap((mm, vv) -> (mm, vv), m, v)) AS metric,     metric.1 AS metric_name,     metric.2 AS metric_valueFROM ts1 ┌─entity─┬──────────────────dt─┬────────────ts─┬─metric────────┬─metric_name─┬─metric_value─┐│ cpu    │ 2017-10-28 23:06:50 │ 1509232010254 │ ('load',0.85) │ load        │         0.85 ││ cpu    │ 2017-10-28 23:06:50 │ 1509232010254 │ ('temp',68)   │ temp        │           68 │└────────┴─────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┴─────────────┴──────────────┘

Since CH has lots of useful date and time functions, along with higher order functions and tuples, I think it's almost a natural time-series database.

It would probably be better to modify your schema to have 4 columns:

"some_entity_id", "timestamp", "metric_name", "metric_value"

You can include "metric_name" in the MergeTree index, to improve performance when searching for a specific metric of an entity. Test with and without it, to see if it's useful for the kind of queries you make.

did you see ?

it's used only for *MergeTree clickhouse table engine