Conditional unique constraint in oracle Conditional unique constraint in oracle database database

Conditional unique constraint in oracle

In 11g, you could define a constraint on virtual columns:

ALTER TABLE my_table ADD (   draft_column1 <DATATYPE> GENERATED ALWAYS AS (DECODE(draft, 0, column1)),   draft_column2 <DATATYPE> GENERATED ALWAYS AS (DECODE(draft, 0, column2)),   draft_column3 <DATATYPE> GENERATED ALWAYS AS (DECODE(draft, 0, column3)),   CONSTRAINT UNQ_02 UNIQUE(draft_column1, draft_column2, draft_column3));

In 10g and before, you can use a function based unique index and the fact that all-NULL index entries are not recorded. So the following index will guarantee the unicity only when draft=0:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNQ_03 ON my_table (   DECODE(draft, 0, column1),   DECODE(draft, 0, column2),   DECODE(draft, 0, column3));