Copy tables from one database to another in SQL Server, using Python Copy tables from one database to another in SQL Server, using Python database database

Copy tables from one database to another in SQL Server, using Python

SQLAlchemy is actually a good tool to use to create identical tables in the second db:

table = Table('test_table', metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=db1)table.create(engine=db2)

This method will also produce correct keys, indexes, foreign keys. Once the needed tables are created, you can move the data by either select/insert if the tables are relatively small or use bcp utility to dump table to disk and then load it into the second database (much faster but more work to get it to work correctly)

If using select/insert then it is better to insert in batches of 500 records or so.

You can do something like this:

tabs = pd.read_sql("SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES", db1)for tab in tabs['table_name']:    pd.read_sql("select * from {}".format(tab), db1).to_sql(tab, db2, index=False)

But it might be be awfully slow. Use SQL Server tools to do this job.

Consider using sp_addlinkedserver procedure to link one SQL Server from another. After that you can execute:

SELECT * INTO server_name...table_name FROM table_name

for all tables from the db1 database.

PS this might be done in Python + SQLAlchemy as well...