Create date from day, month, year fields in MySQL Create date from day, month, year fields in MySQL database database

Create date from day, month, year fields in MySQL

When you have integer values for year, month and day you can make a DATETIME by combining MAKEDATE() and DATE_ADD(). MAKEDATE() with a constant day of 1 will give you a DATETIME for the first day of the given year, and then you can add to it the month and day with DATE_ADD():

mysql> SELECT MAKEDATE(2013, 1);+-------------------+| MAKEDATE(2013, 1) |+-------------------+| 2013-01-01        |+-------------------+mysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH);+---------------------------------------------------+| DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH) |+---------------------------------------------------+| 2013-03-01                                        |+---------------------------------------------------+mysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH), INTERVAL (11)-1 DAY);| DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(2013, 1), INTERVAL (3)-1 MONTH), INTERVAL (11)-1 DAY) |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| 2013-03-11                                                                       |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

So to answer the OP's question:

SELECT * FROM `date`WHERE DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(MAKEDATE(year, 1), INTERVAL (month)-1 MONTH), INTERVAL (day)-1 DAY)BETWEEN '2013-01-01' AND '2014-01-01';

To build a sortable date string from that, you'll need CONCAT to join the bits together and LPAD to make sure the month and day fields are two digits long. Something like this:


Once you have that, you should be able to use BETWEEN, as they'll be in a sortable format. However if you still need to convert them to actual datetime fields, you can wrap the whole thing in UNIX_TIMESTAMP() to get a timestamp value.

So you'd end up with something like this:

SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(`year`,'-',LPAD(`month`,2,'00'),'-',LPAD(`day`,2,'00'))) as u_dateWHERE u_date BETWEEN timestamp_1 and timestamp_2

However, be aware that this will be massively slower than if the field was just a simple timestamp in the first place. And you should definitely make sure you have an index on the year, month and day fields.