create/drop database task for gulp/knex create/drop database task for gulp/knex database database

create/drop database task for gulp/knex

I'm not sure about PostgreSQL, but I hit the same problem with MySQL. I discovered you can use knex to connect without selecting a database, create the database with raw SQL, then re-connect selecting the new database.

Here is a stand-alone script that creates a new database with a single-column table:

var conn = {  host: '',  user: 'user',  password: 'pass',  charset: 'utf8',};// connect without database selectedvar knex = require('knex')({ client: 'mysql', connection: conn });knex.raw('CREATE DATABASE my_database').then(function () {  knex.destroy();  // connect with database selected  conn.database = 'my_database';  knex = require('knex')({ client: 'mysql', connection: conn });  knex.schema    .createTable('my_table', function (table) {      table.string('my_field');    })    .then(function () {      knex.destroy();    });});

This works (well enough for me for now) but I'm interested to hear of other solutions.

var knex = require('knex')({  client: 'pg',  connection: {    host: HOST,    user: USERNAME,    password: PASSWORD,    database: 'postgres',    charset: 'utf8'  }});knex.raw('CREATE DATABASE DB_NAME;')  .then(function() {    return knex.raw('DROP DATABASE DB_NAME;')  })  .finally(function () {    console.log("Done");  });

You can add

This should work:

var gulp  = require('gulp')var shell = require('gulp-shell')gulp.task('example', function () {  return gulp.src('*.js', {read: false})    .pipe(shell([      'psql DROP DATABASE dbname;',      'psql CREATE DATABASE dbname;'    ], {      templateData: {        f: function (s) {          return s.replace(/$/, '.bak')        }      }    }))})