Creating new database in DataGrip JetBrains Creating new database in DataGrip JetBrains database database

Creating new database in DataGrip JetBrains

You first define the database. File --> Data Sources and Drivers --> Click on the green '+' in the top left corner to select the database type.And then fill in all the settings in the 'General' tab.

For example for PostgreSQL:

Host: localhost

Database: postgres

User: postgres

Password: password

Once you are set up, Ctrl+Shift+F10 to open the console and you can type your SQL statements, e.g.:

CREATE DATABASE my_database TEMPLATE template1

I don't believe the existing answers cover MySQL... In MySQL, creating a new schema is equivalent to creating a new database. For this case, contextual-click (usually right-click) on your connection in the navigation tree and choose New | Schema. Give it a name and 'Execute in database".

The name of this schema will show up in the navigation tree and you can then add tables, data, etc.