Cross-schema view query possible with different access rights? Cross-schema view query possible with different access rights? database database

Cross-schema view query possible with different access rights?

So long as the owner of each of the schemas is the same, this approach will work fine because the ownership chain is unbroken.

See the following link for more details:

Ownership Chains

For example this will work:

  • UsersSchema Owner dbo

  • TableSchema Owner dbo

  • User1 grant select permission on UsersSchema, deny select permission onTableSchema

  • view1 lives in the UsersSchema (selects from Table1)

  • table1 lives in the TableSchema

user1 does a select * from UsersSchema.view1 - SQL server checks that user1 has permissions to select from the view, which he does, all good

SQL server then checks who owns the view, dboSQL server then checks who owns the table the view is wanting data from, also dbo (as dbo owns both schemas)As the ownership chain is unbroken, SQL server now won't bother checking what permissions user1 has on table1 and the data is returned, even if you deny select to user1 on table1 or the TableSchema.

user1 would still be denied access to table1 if he tried to access table1 directly.