Database recommendations needed -> Columnar, Embedded (if possible) Database recommendations needed -> Columnar, Embedded (if possible) database database

Database recommendations needed -> Columnar, Embedded (if possible)

I can't comment -- low rep (I'm new here) -- so you get a full answer instead...

First, are you sure you need a database at all? If fast write speed and portability to R is your biggest concern then have you just considered a flat file mechanism? According to your comments you're willing to batch writes out but you need persistence; if those were my requirements I'd write a straight-to-disck buffering system that was lightning fast then build a separate task that periodically took the disk files and moved them into a data store for R, and that's only if R reading the flat files wasn't sufficient in the first place.

If you can do alignment after-the-fact, then you could write the threads to separate files in your main parallel loop, cutting each file off every so often, and leave the alignment and database loading to the subprocess.

So (in crappy pseudo_code), build a thread process that you'd call with backgroundworker or some such and include a threadname string uniquely identifying each worker and thus each filestream (task/thread):

file_name = threadname + '0001.csv' // or somethingopen(file_name for writing)while(generating_data) {    generate_data()    while (buffer_not_full and very_busy) {        write_data_to_buffer        generate_data()    }    flush_buffer_to_disk(file_name)    if(file is big enough or enough time has passed or we're not too busy) {        close(file_name)        move(file_name to bob's folder)        increment file_name        open(file_name for writing)    })

Efficient and speedy file I/O and buffering is a straightforward and common problem. Nothing is going to be faster than this. Then you can just write another process to do the database loads and not sweat the performance there:

while(file_name in list of files in bob's folder sorted by date for good measure){    read bob's file    load bob's file to database    align dates, make pretty}

And I wouldn't write that part in C#, I'd batch script it and use the database's native loader which is going to be as fast as anything you can build from scratch.

You'll have to make sure the two loops don't interfere much if you're running on the same hardware. That is, run the task threads at a higher priority, or build in some mutex or performance limiters so that the database load doesn't hog resources while the threads are running. I'd definitely segregate the database server and hardware so that file I/O to the flat files isn't compromised.

FIFO queues would work if you're on Unix, but you're not. :-)

Also, hardware is going to have more of a performance impact for you than the database engine, I'd imagine. If you're on a budget I'm guessing you're on COTS hardware, so springing for a solid state drive may up performance fairly cheaply. As I said, separating the DB storage from the flat file storage would help, and the CPU/RAM for R, the Database, and your Threads should all be segregated ideally.

What I'm saying is that choice of DB vendor probably isn't your biggest issue, unless you have a lot of money to spend. You'll be hardware bound most of the time otherwise. Database tuning is an art, and while you can eek out minor performance gains at the top end, having a good database administrator will keep most databases in the same ballpark for performance. I'd look at what R and Python support well and that you're comfortable with. If you think in columnar fashion then look at R and C#'s support for Cassandra (my vote), Hana, Lucid, HBase, Infobright, Vertica and others and pick one based on price and support. For traditional databases on a single commodity machine, I haven't seen anything that MySQL can't handle.

This is not to answer my own question but to keep track of all data bases which I tested so far and why they have not met my requirements (yet): each time I attempted to write 1 million single objects (1 long, 2 floats) to the database. For ooDBs, I stuck the objects into a collection and wrote the collection itself, similar story for key/value such as Redis but also attempted to write simple ints (1mil) to columnar dbs such as InfoBright.

  • Db4o, awefully slow writes: 1mil objects within a collection took about 45 seconds. I later optimized the collection structure and also wrote each object individually, not much love here.
  • InfoBright: Same thing, very slow in terms of write speed, which surprised me quite a bit as it organizes data in columnar format but I think the "knowledge tree" only kicks in when querying data rather than when saving flat data structures/tables-like structures.
  • Redis (through BookSleeve): Great API for .Net: Full Redis functionality (though couple drawbacks to run the server on Windows machines vs. a Linux or Unix box). Performance was very fast...North of 1 million items per second. I serialized all objects using Protocol Buffers (protobuf-net, both written by Marc Gravell), still need to play a lot more with the library but R and Python both have full access to the Redis DB, which is a big plus. Love it so far. The Async framework that Marc wrote around the Redis base functions is awesome, really neat and it works so far. I wanna spend a little more time to experiment with the Redis Lists/Collection types as well, as I so far only serialized to byte arrays.
  • SqLite: I ran purely in-memory and managed to write 1 million value type elements in around 3 seconds. Not bad for a pure RDBMS, obviously the in-memory option really speeds things up. I only created one connection, one transaction, created one command, one parameter, and simply adjusted the value of the parameter within a loop and ran the ExecuteNonQuery on each iteration. The transaction commit was then run outside the loop.
  • HDF5: Though there is a .Net port and there also exists a library to somehow work with HDF5 files out of R, I strongly discourage anyone to do so. Its a pure nightmare. The .Net port is very badly written, heck, the whole HDF5 concept is more than questionable. Its a very old and in my opinion outgrown solution to store vectorized/columnar data. This is 2012 not 1995. If one cannot completely delete datasets and vectors out of the file in which they were stored before then I do not call that an annoyance but a major design flaw. The API in general (not just .Net) is very badly designed and written imho, there are tons of class objects that nobody, without having spent hours and hours of studying the file structure, understands how to use. I think that is somewhat evidenced by the very sparse amount of documentation and example code that is out there. Furthermore, the h5r R library is a drama, an absolute nightmare. Its badly written as well (often the file upon writing is not correctly close due to a faulty flush and it corrupts files), the library has issues to even be properly installed on 32 bit OSs...and it goes on and on. I write the most about HDF5 because I spent the most of my time on this piece of .... and ended up with the most frustration. The idea to have a fast columnar file storage system, accessible from R and .Net was enticing but it just does not deliver what it promised in terms of API integration and usability or lack thereof.

Update: I ditched testing velocityDB simply because there does not seem any adapter to access the db from within R available. I currently contemplate writing my own GUI with charting library which would access the generated data either from a written binary file or have it sent over a broker-less message bus (zeroMQ) or sent through LockFree++ to an "actor" (my gui). I could then call R from within C# and have results returned to my GUI. That would possibly allow me the most flexibility and freedom, but would obviously also be the most tedious to code. I am running into more and more limitations during my tests that with each db test I befriend this idea more and more.

RESULT: Thanks for the participation. In the end I awarded the bounty points to Chipmonkey because he suggested partly what I considered important points to the solution to my problem (though I chose my own, different solution in the end). I ended up with a hybrid between Redis in memory storage and direct calls out of .Net to the R.dll. Redis allows access to its data stored in memory by different processes. This makes it a convenient solution to quickly store the data as key/value in Redis and to then access the same data out of R. Additionally I directly send data and invoke functions in R through its .dll and the excellent R.Net library. Passing a collection of 1 million value types to R takes about 2.3 seconds on my machine which is fast enough given that I get the convenience to just pass in the data, invoke computational functions within R out of the .Net environment and getting the results back sync or async.

Just a note: I once had a similar problem posted by a fellow in a delphi forum. I could help him with a simple ID-key-value database backend I wrote at that time (kind of a NoSQL engine). Basically, it uses a B-Tree to store triplets (32bit ObjectID, 32bit PropertyKey, 64bit Value). I could manage to save about 500k/sec Values in real time (about 5 years ago). Of course, the data was indexed on all three values (ID, property-ID and value). You could optimize this by ignoring the value index.

The source I still have is in Delphi, but I would think about implementing something like that using C#. I cannot tell you whether it will meet your needs for performance, but if all else fails, give it a try. Using a buffered write should also drastically improve performance.