Database sharding and Rails Database sharding and Rails database database

Database sharding and Rails

FiveRuns have a gem named DataFabric that does application-level sharding and master/slave replication. It might be worth checking out.

I assume with shards we're talking about horizontal partitioning and not vertical partitioning (here are the differences on Wikipedia).

First off, stretch vertical partitioning as far as you can take it before you consider horizontal partitioning. It's easy in Rails to have different models point to different machines and for most Rails sites, this will bring you far enough.

For horizontal partitioning, in an ideal world, this would be handled at the application layer in Rails. But while it's not hard, it's not trivial in Rails, and by the time you need it, usually your application has grown beyond the point where this is feasible since you have ActiveRecord calls sprinkled all over the place. And no one, developers or management, likes working on it before you need it since everyone would rather work on features users will use now rather than on partitioning which may not come into play for years after your traffic has exploded.

ActiveRecord layer... not easy from what I can see. Would require lots of monkey patching into Rails internals.

At Spock we ended up handling this using a custom MySQL proxy and open sourced it on SourceForge as Spock Proxy. ActiveRecord thinks it's talking to one MySQL database machine when reality it's talking to the proxy, which then talks to one or more MySQL databases, merges/sorts the results, and returns them to ActiveRecord. Requires only a few changes to your Rails code. Take a look at the Spock Proxy SourceForge page for more details and for our reasons for going this route.