DataGrip / DBeaver cannot resolve table / column names DataGrip / DBeaver cannot resolve table / column names database database

DataGrip / DBeaver cannot resolve table / column names

This issue is related to DataGrip's intellisense, a similar issue was posted to IntelliJ's community forms here.

This answer relates to DataGrip 2017.1.5 (is likely applicable to other versions as well):

  1. After creating the initial connection to your server, open the Database tool window using:
    • (ALT + F1) or
    • (View -> Tool Windows -> Database).
  2. Listed beneath your server connection you will see a "Schemas..." item, double click it. This will expand into a list of all DB schemas you have access to on that server.
  3. Select the schemas you are interested in, and additionally expand each DB schema to select all child schemas for that DB.
  4. Click the refresh button in the schema selection window to synchronize your settings (two arrows pointing at each other in a circle).

If they are DBO owned tables, qualify then as dbo.MyTable. Datagrip seems to want a schema (DBO) for objects in order to use intellisense.