DB Schema Compare Error: 'Version store out of memory' DB Schema Compare Error: 'Version store out of memory' database database

DB Schema Compare Error: 'Version store out of memory'

I've searched for solutions myself and never found anything helpful online. After doing some experimenting I found one setting change that allows me to compare and compile my very stubborn projects. I went into the properties of the SqlProj project, down to the "SQLCLR Build" tab and clicked on the "Advanced..." button. In the Output section I changed the "Debug Info" dropdown to be "pdb-only". That improved it for me quite a bit, but I still get the occasional crash.

I have regularly seen this problem in our database builds within TeamCity. Following advice from this article https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/749108/msbuild-fails-randomly-with-version-store-out-of-memory-cleanup-already-attempted-errors-msb4018 I have since configured the MSBuild command with the additional parameter /p:CmdLineInMemoryStorage=true.The build process does appear to be more reliable now.