Does anyone have database, programming language/framework suggestions for a GUI point of sale system? Does anyone have database, programming language/framework suggestions for a GUI point of sale system? database database

Does anyone have database, programming language/framework suggestions for a GUI point of sale system?

Java for language (or Scala if you want to be "bleeding edge", depending on how you plan to support it and what your developers are like it might be better, but also worse)

H2 for database

Swing for GUI

Reason: Free, portable and pretty standard.

Update: Missed the part where the system should be a client-server setup. My assumption was that the database and client should run on the same machine.

I suggest you first research your constraints a bit more - you made a passing reference to a client using a particular type of terminal - this may limit your options, unless the client agrees to upgrade.

You need to do a lot more legwork on this. It's great to get opinions from web forums, but we can't possibly know your environment as well as you do.

My broad strokes advice would be to aim for technology that is widely used. This way, expertise on the platform is cheaper than "niche" technologies, and it will be easier to get help if you hit a brick wall. Of course, following this advice may not be possible if you have non-negotiable technology already in place at customers.

My second suggestion would be to complete a full project plan, with detailed specs and proper cost estimates, before going with the "rewrite from scratch" option. Right now, you're saying that it would be cheaper to rewrite the system than maintain it, and you don't really know how much it would cost to re-write.

I suggest you use browser for the UI.

Organize your application as a web application.

There are tons of options for the back-end. You can use Java + MySQL. Java backend will save you from windows/linux debate as it will run on both platforms. You won't have any licensing cost for both Java and MySQL. (Edit: Definitely there are a lot of others languages that have run-times for both linux & windows including PHP, Ruby, Python etc)

If you go this route, you may also want to consider Google Web Toolkit (GWT) for creating the browser based front-end in a modular fashion.

One word of caution though. Browsers can be pesky when it comes to memory management. In our experience, this was the most significant challenge in doing browser based POS You may want to checkout Adobe Flex that runs in browser but might be more civil in its memory management.