Does making relationships in Database make them slow Does making relationships in Database make them slow database database

Does making relationships in Database make them slow

In general, the more complex your data model becomes, the greater the hit to performance you will experience. However, unless your database is very large, your hardware resources very minimal, or your queries very complex, you probably will not be hindered by adding enforced relationships in your database. That is obviously a subjective statement, but "acceptable performance" is a very subjective concept that will vary from project-to-project.

The heart of your colleague's argument is correct, though, and here are a few reasons why:

  • Every time you write a new record containing a foreign or primary key, the database must check that none of the keys' constraints are violated. Key columns are also indexed, so indexes must be updated when records are added.
  • Every time you delete a record containing or referenced-by a foreign key, constraints are checked and the deletion may cascade to referenced tables. Indexes must also be updated when records are deleted.
  • CRUD operations of all kind slow significantly as more and more tables are joined in the queries. The larger the tables, the more records that must be joined, and the slower the execution.

That said, here is why those arguments mostly don't matter:

  • Indexing significantly cuts down query execution time, especially if implemented well. It is important to index tables in a way that takes advantage of the structure of the queries that will be run against it.
  • Unless your database hardware is bare-bones, the operations needed to enforce data integrity and relationship constraints will probably run much faster on the back end than the front end. This is especially true if the constraint checks are happening in a client application than on a server.
  • Client-based data integrity checks are much more error-prone than database constraints. Yes, if your code is perfect it will run just as well, but RDBMS software is designed for this type of thing and it is incredibly simple to implement.
  • Client-based data integrity checks could lead to data synchronization problems. Think two people at different locations trying to modify a unique record. But perhaps eventual data concurrency will suffice if lightening-quick speed is your primary concern.

These all depend upon your RDBMS and project's specifications, but are good rules of thumb. In general, I would say that unless your database is so large that enforcing relationships becomes prohibitively slow, or your model is so simple that relationships are pointless (in which case, why are you using an RDBMS?), it is better to enable data integrity and relationship constraints.