Elegant way to store dictionary permanently with Python? Elegant way to store dictionary permanently with Python? database database

Elegant way to store dictionary permanently with Python?

Why not dump it to a JSON file, and then load it from there where you need it?

import jsonwith open('my_dict.json', 'w') as f:    json.dump(my_dict, f)# elsewhere...with open('my_dict.json') as f:    my_dict = json.load(f)

Loading from JSON is fairly efficient.

Another option would be to use pickle, but unlike JSON, the files it generates aren't human-readable so you lose out on the visual verification you liked from your old method.

Why mess with all these serialization methods? It's already written to a file as a Python dict (although with the unfortunate name 'dict'). Change your program to write out the data with a better variable name - maybe 'data', or 'catalog', and save the file as a Python file, say data.py. Then you can just import the data directly at runtime without any clumsy copy/pasting or JSON/shelve/etc. parsing:

from data import catalog

JSON is probably the right way to go in many cases; but there might be an alternative. It looks like your keys and your values are always strings, is that right? You might consider using dbm/anydbm. These are "databases" but they act almost exactly like dictionaries. They're great for cheap data persistence.

>>> import anydbm>>> dict_of_strings = anydbm.open('data', 'c')>>> dict_of_strings['foo'] = 'bar'>>> dict_of_strings.close()>>> dict_of_strings = anydbm.open('data')>>> dict_of_strings['foo']'bar'