Fetching single row, single column with PDO Fetching single row, single column with PDO database database

Fetching single row, single column with PDO

Are you sure it's returning any rows?


is correct way to fetch a single value, so either you probably didn't bind the :user parameter or it simply returned no rows.

$sql='SELECT some_col_name FROM table_name WHERE user=?';$sth=$pdo_dbh->prepare($sql);$data=array($user);$sth->execute($data);$result=$sth->fetchColumn();

I'm not sure why so many people mess this up:

$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT `column` FROM `table` WHERE `where`=:where"); $stmt->bindValue(':where', $MyWhere);$stmt->execute();$SingleVar = $stmt->fetchColumn();

Make sure that you are selecting a specific column in the query and not * or you will need to specify the column order number in fetchColumn(), example: $stmt->fetchColumn(2); That usually isn't a good idea because the columns in the database may be reorganized by, someone...

This will only work properly with unique 'wheres'; fetchColumn() will not return an array.