Get the top row after order by in Oracle Subquery Get the top row after order by in Oracle Subquery database database

Get the top row after order by in Oracle Subquery

try this one

select * from  (SELECT id, name, department, age, score,  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by department order by age desc, score asc) srlno   FROM student) where srlno = 1;

In addition to Allan's answer, this works fine too:

select * from (SELECT *   FROM student  order by age asc,            score desc) where rownum = 1;

In addition to Bharat's answer, it is possible to do this using ORDER BY in the sub-query in Oracle (as point out by Jeffrey Kemp):

SELECT *FROM   student s1WHERE IN (SELECT id                 FROM   (SELECT   id, ROWNUM AS rn                         FROM     student s2                         WHERE    s1.department = s2.department                         ORDER BY age ASC, score DESC)                 WHERE  rn = 1);

If you use this method, you may be tempted to remove the sub-query and just use rownum = 1. This would result in the incorrect result as the sort would be applied after the criteria (you'd get 1 row that was sorted, not one row from the sorted set).