grant usage & privileges on future created schema in PostgreSQL grant usage & privileges on future created schema in PostgreSQL database database

grant usage & privileges on future created schema in PostgreSQL

There are no default privileges for schemas. But since you are using a model whereby every user has its own schema you can automate the full process, including creating the user and setting a password, if needed:

CREATE FUNCTION new_user_schema (user text, pwd text) RETURNS void AS $$DECLARE  usr name;  sch name;BEGIN  -- Create the user  usr := quote_identifier(user);  EXECUTE format('CREATE ROLE %I LOGIN PASSWORD %L', usr, quote_literal(pwd));  -- Create the schema named after the user and set default privileges  sch := quote_identifier('sch_' || user);  EXECUTE format('CREATE SCHEMA %I', sch);  EXECUTE format('ALTER SCHEMA %I OWNER TO %L', sch, usr);  EXECUTE format('ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA %I                    GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO %L', sch, usr);END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT;

You can then create the user, create the schema and set up default privileges with a simple command:

SELECT new_user_schema('new_user', 'secret');