How do I decide if I should use a CTE or not? How do I decide if I should use a CTE or not? database database

How do I decide if I should use a CTE or not?

For simple examples, it doesn't make much difference. If you need to use the Recursive features to build up a hierarchy, then you haven't much choice - you need to use a CTE.

Another case where it probably doesn't make much performance difference, but does for readability, is when you need to join the same subquery multiple times. If you're using subqueries, you have to repeat the entire expression, whereas with CTEs, you just use the name twice:

;With NamedExpression as (    select t1.ID,t2.ID as ID2,SUM(t3.Value) as Val    from      Table1 t1        left join      Table2 t2 on = t2.t1id         inner join      Table3 t3 on t3.col = or t3.col2 =    group by      t1.ID,t2.ID)select    *from    NamedExpression ne        inner join    NamedExpression ne2        on            ne.ID2 = ne2.ID

It should also be noted that if you do the above as subqueries, and the expressions are particularly complex, it can sometimes take time for the reader/maintainer to verify that the two subqueries are in fact identical, and there's not some subtle difference between the two

Also, if you have an indenting style that says that subqueries should appear further to the right than their enclosing query, then expressions that build on other expressions can cause all of the code to shift to the right - whereas with CTEs, you stop and move back to the left in building each subexpression (CTE):

;WITH CTE1 AS (    SELECT    ...), CTE2 as (    SELECT    ...    FROM CTE1), CTE3 as (    SELECT    ...    FROM CTE2)select * from CTE3


select *from   (        select ...        from             (                 select ...                 from                     (                          select ...

I personally find the CTE version to be more readable especially if the select gets bigger.

When you use the derived table more than once in the main SELECT it might be better to use the CTE because it tells the database that you want to run this only once. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the optimizer was smart enough to detect two identical sub-selects in the from clause and only runs them once:

with foo as (   select ..   from bar)select f1.*from foo f1   join foo f2 on ...


select f1.*from (select ... from bar ) f1  join (select ... from bar) f2 on ...

I think the most important part is to be consistent (across what you write and inside your team).

I noticed that JOINs (esp. when combined with lot of WHERE clauses) can have disastrous performance when large data sets are involved.

CTEs can resolve this by selecting only relevant records and joining over these subsets.

Consider a CTE as a sort of pre-select to prepare data for the final SELECT.