How do I restore a dump file from mysqldump? How do I restore a dump file from mysqldump? database database

How do I restore a dump file from mysqldump?

If the database you want to restore doesn't already exist, you need to create it first.

On the command-line, if you're in the same directory that contains the dumped file, use these commands (with appropriate substitutions):

C:\> mysql -u root -pmysql> create database mydb;mysql> use mydb;mysql> source db_backup.dump;

It should be as simple as running this:

mysql -u <user> -p < db_backup.dump

If the dump is of a single database you may have to add a line at the top of the file:

USE <database-name-here>;

If it was a dump of many databases, the use statements are already in there.

To run these commands, open up a command prompt (in Windows) and cd to the directory where the mysql.exe executable is (you may have to look around a bit for it, it'll depend on how you installed mysql, i.e. standalone or as part of a package like WAMP). Once you're in that directory, you should be able to just type the command as I have it above.

You simply need to run this:

mysql -p -u[user] [database] < db_backup.dump

If the dump contains multiple databases you should omit the database name:

mysql -p -u[user] < db_backup.dump

To run these commands, open up a command prompt (in Windows) and cd to the directory where the mysql.exe executable is (you may have to look around a bit for it, it'll depend on how you installed mysql, i.e. standalone or as part of a package like WAMP). Once you're in that directory, you should be able to just type the command.