How do I store nested data in Cassandra How do I store nested data in Cassandra database database

How do I store nested data in Cassandra

jeffj from #cassandra on irc advises that i don't even need the first table.

i'm starting to understand it now.

CREATE TABLE posts (  name text,  field text,  title text,  value text,  PRIMARY KEY (name, field));INSERT INTO posts (name, field, title, value) VALUES ( 'kingsbounty', 'title', 'Game Title', 'Kings Bounty');INSERT INTO posts (name, field, title, value) VALUES ( 'kingsbounty', 'body', 'Game Description', 'Kings Bounty is a turn-based fantasy...');INSERT INTO posts (name, field, title, value) VALUES ( 'outrun', 'vehicle', 'Vehicle', 'Ferrari Testarossa');INSERT INTO posts (name, field, title, value) VALUES ( 'outrun', 'color', 'Vehicle Color', 'Red');INSERT INTO posts (name, field, title, value) VALUES ( 'outrun', 'driver', 'Driver', 'David Hasselhoff');SELECT field FROM posts WHERE name = 'kingsbounty'; field-------  body titleSELECT * FROM posts WHERE name = 'kingsbounty'; name        | field | title            | value-------------+-------+------------------+----------------------------------------- kingsbounty |  body | Game Description | Kings Bounty is a turn-based fantasy... kingsbounty | title |       Game Title |                            Kings BountySELECT fields FROM posts WHERE name = 'outrun'; field---------   color  driver vehicleSELECT * FROM posts WHERE name = 'outrun'; name   | field   | title         | value--------+---------+---------------+-------------------- outrun |   color | Vehicle Color |                Red outrun |  driver |        Driver |   David Hasselhoff outrun | vehicle |       Vehicle | Ferrari Testarossa

Create table with whatever information you want to return. Assuming you need all the information to be returned, store it into a single table as shown below and do the necessary manipulations at client side.

CREATE TABLE posts (  id uuid,  name text,  fields map<text,text>,  PRIMARY KEY (id));insert into posts (id,name,fields) values (uuid(),'kingsbounty',{'title':'"title": "Game Title","value": "Kings Bounty"','body':'"title": "Game Description","value": "Kings Bounty is a turn-based fantasy..."'});insert into posts (id,name,fields) values (uuid(),'outrun',{'vehicle':'"title": "Vehicle","value": "Ferrari Testarossa"','color':'"title": "Vehicle Color","value": "Red"','driver':'"title": "Driver","value": "David Hasselhoff"'});   cqlsh> select id,name,fields from posts; id                                   | name        | fields--------------------------------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dd31393d-2654-42ec-a5fb-73ab13c12932 | kingsbounty | {'body': '"title": "Game Description","value": "Kings Bounty is a turn-based fantasy..."', 'title': '"title": "Game Title","value": "Kings Bounty"'} a1e2b512-7177-4a2d-8da3-528b9d5097c0 |      outrun | {'color': '"title": "Vehicle Color","value": "Red"', 'driver': '"title": "Driver","value": "David Hasselhoff"', 'vehicle': '"title": "Vehicle","value": "Ferrari Testarossa"'}