How do you store static data in your SQL Server Database Project in VS 2012 How do you store static data in your SQL Server Database Project in VS 2012 database database

How do you store static data in your SQL Server Database Project in VS 2012

You can use this approach:

  • Put your reference data into XML files, one per table
  • Add XML files with reference data to your database project
  • Use a Post-Deployment script to extract the data from XML and merge it into your tables

Here is a more detailed description of each step, illustrated with an example. Let's say that you need to initialize a table of countries that has this structure:

create table Country (    CountryId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,    CountryCode varchar(2) NOT NULL,    CountryName varchar(254) NOT NULL)

Create a new folder called ReferenceData under your database project. It should be a sibling folder of the Schema Objects and Scripts.

Add a new XML file called Country.xml to the ReferenceData folder. Populate the file as follows:

<countries>    <country CountryCode="CA" CountryName="Canada"/>    <country CountryCode="MX" CountryName="Mexico"/>    <country CountryCode="US" CountryName="United States of America"/></countries>

Find Script.PostDeployment.sql, and add the following code to it:

DECLARE @h_Country intDECLARE @xmlCountry xml = N':r ..\..\ReferenceData\Country.xml'EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @h_Country OUTPUT, @xmlCountryMERGE Country AS target USING (    SELECT c.CountryCode, c.CountryName    FROM OPENXML(@h_Country, '/countries/country', 1)    WITH (CountryCode varchar(2), CountryName varchar(254)) as c) AS source (CountryCode, CountryName)ON (source.CountryCode = target.CountryCode)WHEN MATCHED THEN    UPDATE SET CountryName = source.CountryNameWHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN    INSERT (CountryId, CountryCode, CountryName) values (newid(), source.CountryCode, source.CountryName);

I tried this solution only in VS 2008, but it should be agnostic to your development environment.