how to check status of native ODBC connection in matlab? how to check status of native ODBC connection in matlab? database database

how to check status of native ODBC connection in matlab?

I request you to check the database connection with toolstrip functionality of Matlab. You can find complete guide from here...

You can perform the testing first so that you can ruled out of any problem with server..

Once it is connected can check the code.connection settings and apply it in your code accordingly.


As per the documentation you can check status of an existing database.ODBCConnection or database.ODBCCursor in the Database Toolbox by checking the value of the Message property in the database.ODBCConnection object and the database.ODBCCursor Object.

You may need to set Error handling to store using setdbprefs('ErrorHandling','store'). Use setdbprefs('ErrorHandling','report') to switch it back again.

ping and isconnection only work on database connection object and not on database.ODBCConnection objects.