How to create huge random document in MongoDB How to create huge random document in MongoDB database database

How to create huge random document in MongoDB

Here are some functions that will help you to create a random string(name) and random date since 1950 untill 2000 and insert it into mongodb.

function getRandomInt(min, max) {    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;}function getRandomDate() {    // aprox nr of days since 1970 untill 2000: 30years * 365 days    var nr_days1 = 30*365;    // aprox nr of days since 1950 untill 1970: 20years * 365 days    var nr_days2 = -20*365;    // milliseconds in one day    var one_day=1000*60*60*24    // get a random number of days passed between 1950 and 2000    var days = getRandomInt(nr_days2, nr_days1);    return new Date(days*one_day)}for (var i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) {      db.test.insert(     {       name : "name"+i,       birthday: getRandomDate()     }   ) }

I have try mgeneratejs, very easy to use, mgeneratejs

here is sample command, mgeneratejs print data to stdout, then use mongoimport import these data into mongod:

mongodb-osx-x86_64-4.0.1 $ mgeneratejs '{"name": "$name", "age": "$age", "emails": {"$array": {"of": "$email", "number": 3}}}' -n 5 | mongoimport --uri mongodb://localhost:27017/test --collection user --mode insert2018-08-09T16:19:13.295+0800    connected to: localhost2018-08-09T16:19:14.544+0800    imported 5 documents

Best way will be read off docs about random generate in mongodb. you could use special service for generate random data.For example: