How to store JSON object in SQLite database How to store JSON object in SQLite database database database

How to store JSON object in SQLite database

Convert JSONObject into String and save as TEXT/ VARCHAR. While retrieving the same column convert the String into JSONObject.

For example

Write into DB

String stringToBeInserted = jsonObject.toString();//and insert this string into DB

Read from DB

String json = Read_column_value_logic_hereJSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);

An alternative could be to use the new JSON extension for SQLite. I've only just come across this myself: This would allow you to perform a certain level of querying the stored JSON. If you used VARCHAR or TEXT to store a JSON string you would have no ability to query it. This is a great article showing its usage (in python)

There is no data types for that.. You need to store it as VARCHAR or TEXT only.. jsonObject.toString();