How to text filter an Android ListView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter? How to text filter an Android ListView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter? database database

How to text filter an Android ListView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter?

For a SimpleCursorAdapter cursor, you only need to use the setFilterQueryProvider, to run another query for your cursor, based on the constraint:

m_Adapter.setFilterQueryProvider(new FilterQueryProvider() {  public Cursor runQuery(CharSequence constraint) {    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "runQuery constraint:"+constraint);    //uri, projection, and sortOrder might be the same as previous    //but you might want a new selection, based on your filter content (constraint)    Cursor cur = managedQuery(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder);    return cur; //now your adapter will have the new filtered content  }});

When a constraint is added (eg. by using a TextView) the adapter must be filtered:

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {  Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Filter:"+s);  if (m_slvAdapter!=null) {    m_Adapter.getFilter().filter(s);  }}

Hope this helps. I will try to write a complete article , with source code the next few days.

The setTextFilterEnabled() method doesn't automatically implement filtering, as it doesn't know what in your Cursor the text should be filtered against.

This android-developers thread has more details.

Actually, there was a good question asked the other day, which actually is very similar to your question; though it originally was asking how to handle filtering when there is no physical keyboard on a device:

i found this article helpful;jsessionid=CE37400B3E545937B70BE2E9F94E78BB?recipeId=404

basically, you setTextFilterEnabled(true) on your listview, and you use setStringConversionColumn() and setFilterQueryProvider() on your SimpleCursorAdapter.