Is it possible to control order of replication? Is it possible to control order of replication? database database

Is it possible to control order of replication?

The short answer is no.

The long answer is that CouchDB provides ACID guarantees at the individual document level only, by design. The replicator will update each document atomically when it replicates (as can anyone, the replicator is just using the public API) but does not guarantee ordering, this is mostly because it uses multiple http connections to improve throughput. You can configure that down to 1 if you like and you'll get better ordering, but it's not a panacea.

After the bigcouch merge, all bets are off, there will be multiple sources and multiple targets with no imposed total order.

CouchDB, out of the box, does not provide you with any options to control the order of replication. I'm guessing you could piece something together if you keep documents with different priorities in different databases on the master, though. Then, you could replicate the high-priority master database into the slave database first, replicate lower-priority databases after that, etc.

You could set up filtered replication or named document replication:

Both of these are alternatives to replicating an entire database. You could do the replication in smaller batch sizes, and order the batches to match your priorities.