Key/Value store extremely slow on SSD Key/Value store extremely slow on SSD database database

Key/Value store extremely slow on SSD

Your problem might be related to the strong durability guarantees of the databases you are using.

Basically, for any database that is ACID-compliant, at least one fsync() call per database commit will be necessary. This has to happen in order to guarantee durability (otherwise, updates could be lost in case of a system failure), but also to guarantee internal consistency of the database on disk. The database API will not return from the insert operation before the completion of the fsync() call.

fsync() can be a very heavy-weight operation on many operating systems and disk hardware, even on SSDs. (An exception to that would be battery- or capacitor-backed enterprise SSDs - they can treat a cache flush operation basically as a no-op to avoid exactly the delay you are probably experiencing.)

A solution would be to do all your stores inside of one big transaction. I don't know about Berkeley DB, but for sqlite, performance can be greatly improved that way.

To figure out if that is your problem at all, you could try to watch your database writing process with strace and look for frequent fsync() calls (more than a few every second would be a pretty strong hint).

Update:If you are absolutely sure that you don't require durability, you can try the answer from Optimizing Put Performance in Berkeley DB; if you do, you should look into the TDS (transactional data storage) feature of Berkeley DB.