Managing DB migration: scripts vs tools Managing DB migration: scripts vs tools database database

Managing DB migration: scripts vs tools

I'm the product manager at Red Gate for SQL Compare, which generates diff scripts between two databases. I'd like you to take a look at our SQL Source Control tool, which will allow you to track schema changes as and when they're made in development. When it comes to deployment, if you know which schema version is in production, you can generate a deployment script from your source controlled versions. Of course you should always be testing this out in a staging environment before running on production.

Scott's article makes an excellent point in regards to migration script, and Denis alludes to more complex changes that can't realistically be second guessed by comparison tools, and would therefore require custom migration scripts to be managed and used appropriately. The next version of SQL Compare in conjunction with SQL Source Control will therefore manage both your schema versions and your migration scripts, allowing you to get the best of both worlds. If you'd like to see early screenshots of this, please email me at David dot Atkinson at red-gate dot com. I'd really love to discuss your requirements so we can better design the tool.

In my experience there always is more to it than mere schema changes. If you split a column in two, or shift a column to a separate table, or other such things, you need to migrate both the schema and the data.

No tool or script will allow you to migrate the actual data automatically. At the very most you'll get a diff for the schema which your devs may find useful as a reminder/check list for DB version migration scripts (sequences of create/alter/drop and insert/update/delete done in a single transaction).