Microservices: Atomic Events Microservices: Atomic Events database database

Microservices: Atomic Events

I have been wondering the same thing.Apparently, there are a number of ways to deal with atomicity of updating the db and publishing the corresponding event.

  1. Event sourcing
  2. Application events
  3. Database triggers
  4. Transaction log tailing

(Pattern: Event-driven architecture)

The Application events pattern sounds similar to your ideas.
An example could be:

The Order Service inserts a row into the ORDER table and inserts an Order Created event into the EVENT table [in the scope of a single local db transaction].
The Event Publisher thread or process queries the EVENT table for unpublished events, publishes the events, and then updates the EVENT table to mark the events as published.

(Event-Driven Data Management for Microservices)

If at any point the Event Publisher crashes or otherwise fails, the events it did not process are still marked as unpublished.
So when the Event Publisher comes back online it will immediately publish those events.

If the Event Publisher published an event and then crashed before marking the event as published, the event might be published more than once.
For this reason, it is important that subscribers de-duplicate received messages.

Additionally, the answer to a stackoverflow question — that might sound quite different to yours but in essence is asking the same thing — links to a couple of relevant blog posts.

But what if, for example, a power outage occurred in-between Steps 1 and 2

Consider the following approach:

using(var scope = new TransactionScope()) {    _repository.UpdateUser(data);    _eventStore.Publish(new UserUpdated { ... });    scope.Complete();}

This pseudocode assumes that you are using something analogous to Entity Framework and TransactionScope

So even if your event store is implemented as some external service, your UpdateUser transaction will not be committed until event store signals success. There is still small chance of failure when you've already got a response from the _eventStore but have not committed ORM transaction scope. In this worst case scenario you will end up with a published event but missing data from DB which always stores the latest snapshot of the state. Essentially, the snapshot becomes invalid for this aggregate.

If your domain can not tolerate such risks, you should not store state/snapshot in the relational database at all. Event store will be the only source of truth that you can rely on (this is a recommended approach by many CQRS/ES practitioners).

B: Create an Events table in my main database, using database transactions to insert the Event and commit the relevant changes at the same time. The service would then push the Event to the bus, and then make another commit to the main database to mark the Event as Published.

This approach will work as well, however, you will have to reinvent the wheel instead of simply reusing some bulletproof implementation of the event store.

Options A and C are too exotic/overengineered to seriously consider as viable.