MODIFY COLUMN in oracle - How to check if a column is nullable before setting to nullable? MODIFY COLUMN in oracle - How to check if a column is nullable before setting to nullable? database database

MODIFY COLUMN in oracle - How to check if a column is nullable before setting to nullable?

You could do this in PL/SQL:

declare  l_nullable user_tab_columns.nullable%type;begin  select nullable into l_nullable  from user_tab_columns  where table_name = 'MYTABLE'  and   column_name = 'MYCOLUMN';  if l_nullable = 'N' then    execute immediate 'alter table mytable modify (mycolumn null)';  end if;end;

just do the alter table and catch the exception.

DECLARE   allready_null EXCEPTION;   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(allready_null, -1451);BEGIN   execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE TAB MODIFY(COL  NULL)';EXCEPTION   WHEN allready_null THEN      null; -- handle the errorEND;/

if you don't want to use PL/SQL

    set feedback off    set echo off    set feedback off    set pages 0    set head off    spool to_null.sql    select 'alter table TAB modify (COL NULL);'     from user_tab_columns    where table_name = 'TAB'    and column_name = 'COL'    and nullable = 'N';    spool off    set feedback on    set echo on    set termout on    @@to_null.sql     host rm -f to_null.sql

or just do the alter table and ignore the error.