Multiple INNER JOIN with GROUP BY and Aggregate Function Multiple INNER JOIN with GROUP BY and Aggregate Function database database

Multiple INNER JOIN with GROUP BY and Aggregate Function

Well, you just need to join all the tables required to have the fields needed in the where clause.

And add a where clause.

SELECT t2.Field3,       SUM(t1.Field2) as CTotal,       count(*) as NbItemsFROM Table1 t1 INNER JOIN Table2 t2       ON t1.Field3 = t2.Field1--add a join on Table3INNER JOIN Table3 t3        ON t3.Field1 = t1.Field5 --add your where clauseWHERE t1.Field4 = 'Active'AND t3.Field2 <> 'Pending'GROUP BY t2.Field3--ORDER BY CTotal DESC

see SqlFiddle


For your problem

SELCT custInfo.CName, Count(*) as TransactionCount, SUM(CTotal) as TransactionTotal FROM (TamarawTransaction trans INNER JOIN TamarawCustomerInformation custInfo     ON trans.CCustomerCode=custInfo.CCustomerCode) INNER JOIN TamarawTrip  trip    ON trans.CTrip=trip.CTrip Where trip.CStatus='Finalized' AND trans.CStatus='Active' GROUP BY custInfo.CName

With "weird access join syntax"

SELECT TamarawCustomerInformation.CName, Count(*) AS TransactionCount, SUM(CTotal) AS TransactionTotalFROM TamarawCustomerInformationn INNER JOIN (TamarawTrip INNER JOIN TamarawTransaction ON TamarawTrip.CTrip=TamarawTransaction.CTrip)           ON TamarawCustomerInformationn.CCustomerCode=TamarawTransaction.CCustomerCodeWHERE TamarawTrip.CStatus='" & "Shipped" & "' and TamarawTransaction.CStatus='" & "Active" & "'GROUP BY TamarawCustomerInformation.CName;