Order table numerically and get the list number Order table numerically and get the list number database database

Order table numerically and get the list number

You can use join for your user table and meta data and order by the meta_value stored in column,

SELECT u.* FROM `wp_users` uJOIN `wp_usermeta` um ON(u.ID = um.`user_id`)WHERE um.`meta_key` = 'reputation'ORDER BY um.`meta_value` * 1 DESC

Using * 1 in order is a simple casting trick to integer and desc will list the user by their reputation score so the user with higher reputation will be listed first and so on

global $wpdb;$query="    SELECT u.*,um.`meta_value` as `rank`     FROM $wpdb->users u    JOIN $wpdb->usermeta um ON(u.ID = um.`user_id`)    WHERE um.`meta_key` = 'reputation'    ORDER BY um.`meta_value` * 1 DESC";$results = $wpdb->get_results($query, OBJECT );

Loop through your results

foreach($results as $r){echo $r->rank; // rank of user}

Edit from comments

here is your function

function getReputationByUser($user_id){    if(!is_numeric($user_id)){    return false;    }    global $wpdb;    $query="    SELECT um.`meta_value` as `rank`        FROM  $wpdb->usermeta um        WHERE um.`meta_key` = 'reputation'        AND um.user_id = '".$user_id."'        ";    $result  = $wpdb->get_row($query);    if(!empty($result)){    return $result->rank;    }    return false;}echo getReputationByUser(100);

Above code is for returning the reputation if you want the rank of user based on reputation you can get this by below query but i am not sure if you can use @variables of Mysql in WPDB class

SELECT t1.`rank`FROM(SELECT   um.user_id,  @rownum:= @rownum + 1 `rank` FROM  wp_usermeta um   CROSS JOIN (SELECT @rownum := 0) t WHERE um.`meta_key` = 'reputation' ORDER BY um.`meta_value` * 1 DESC ) t1WHERE t1.user_id = 100

function for above query

function getReputationByUser($user_id){        if(!is_numeric($user_id)){        return false;        }        global $wpdb;        $query=" SELECT t1.`rank`        FROM(        SELECT          um.user_id,          @rownum:= @rownum + 1 `rank`        FROM          $wpdb->usermeta um          CROSS JOIN (SELECT @rownum := 0) t        WHERE um.`meta_key` = 'reputation'        ORDER BY um.`meta_value` * 1 DESC        ) t1        WHERE t1.user_id = '".$user_id."'";        $result  = $wpdb->get_row($query);        if(!empty($result)){        return $result->rank;        }        return false;}echo getReputationByUser(100);

Here is another way to find the rank for user using group_concat and find_in_set functions

SELECT user_id,FIND_IN_SET(              user_id,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( user_id ORDER BY meta_value * 1 DESC)                        FROM `wp_usermeta`                       WHERE meta_key ='reputation')                   ) AS rankFROM wp_usermetaWHERE meta_key ='reputation'AND user_id = 100function getReputationByUser($user_id){        if(!is_numeric($user_id)){        return false;        }        global $wpdb;        $query="SELECT user_id,FIND_IN_SET(                      user_id,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( user_id ORDER BY meta_value * 1 DESC)                              FROM $wpdb->usermeta                              WHERE meta_key ='reputation')                           ) AS rank        FROM $wpdb->usermeta        WHERE meta_key ='reputation'        AND user_id = '".$user_id."'        ";        $result  = $wpdb->get_row($query);        if(!empty($result)){        return $result->rank;        }        return false;}echo getReputationByUser(100);

According to docs The result is truncated to the maximum length that is given by the group_concat_max_len system variable, which has a default value of 1024. The value can be set higher, although the effective maximum length of the return value is constrained by the value of max_allowed_packet.