Play Framework and DB2 Play Framework and DB2 database database

Play Framework and DB2

OK... Finally found out the origin of the problem...

Like I said I am using Play Framework 2.0 and was working in the forms tutorial project that comes with this version of Play...

As it turns out the command to disable Evolutions is neither:


... But rather:



A DB2 -204 SQLCODE means:

The object identified by name is not defined in the DB2® subsystem. This SQLCODE can be generated for any type of DB2 object.


Verify that the object name was correctly specified in the SQL statement, including any required qualifiers. If it is correct, ensure that the object exists in the system before resubmitting the statement.

It would seem the table DB2ADMIN.PLAY_EVOLUTIONS does not exist. If it should exist, try connecting to the database using a SQL client and execute select * from DB2ADMIN.PLAY_EVOLUTIONS with ur for read only; to verify the table does exist.

Also, you probably want to use evolution=disabled instead of evolutions=disabled (see the Play Git commit providing a way to disable EvolutionPlugin through configuratio…) in your application.conf file.