Polling a database versus triggering program from database? Polling a database versus triggering program from database? database database

Polling a database versus triggering program from database?

I would like to give a more generic answer...

There is no right answer that applies every time. Some times you need a trigger, and some times is better to poll.

But… 9 out of 10 times, polling is much more efficient, safe and fast than triggering.

It's really simple. A trigger needs to instantiate a single program, of whatever nature, for every shot. That is just not efficient most of the time. Some people will argue that that is required when response time is a factor, but even then, half of the times polling is better because:

1) Resources: With triggers, and say 100 messages, you will need resources for 100 threads, with 1 thread processing a packet of 100 messages you need resources for 1 program.

2) Monitoring: A thread processing packets can report time consumed constantly on a defined packet size, clearly indicating how it is performing and when and how is performance being affected. Try that with a billion triggers jumping around…

3) Speed: Instantiating threads and allocating their resources is very expensive. And don’t get me started if you are opening a transaction for each trigger. A simple program processing a say 100 meessage packet will always be much faster that initiating 100 triggers…

3) Reaction time: With polling you can not react to things on line. So, the only exception allowed to use polling is when a user is waiting for the message to be processed. But then you need to be very careful, because if you have lots of clients doing the same thing at the same time, triggering might respond LATER, than if you where doing fast polling.

My 2cts. This has been learned the hard way ..

1) have the program poll the database, since you don't want your database to be able to start host programs (because you'd have to make sure that only "your" program can be started this way).

The classic (and most convenient IMO) way for doing this in Oracle would be through the DBMS_ALERT package.

The first program would signal an alert with a certain name, passing an optional message. A second program which registered for the alert would wait and receive it immediatly after the first program commits. A rollback of the first program would cancel the alert.

Of cause you can have many sessions signaling and waiting for alerts. However, an alert is a serialization device, so if one program signaled an alert, other programs signaling the same alert name will be blocked until the first one commits or rolls back.

Table DBMS_ALERT_INFO contains all the sessions which have registered for an alert. You can use this to check if the alert-processing is alive.

2) autostarting or background execution depends on your host platform and OS. In Windows you can use SRVANY.EXE to run any executable as a service.

I recommend using a C program to poll the database and a utility such as monit to restart the C program if there are any problems. Your C program can touch a file once in a while to indicate that it is still functioning properly, and monit can monitor the file. Monit can also check the process directly and make sure it isn't using too much memory.

For more information you could see my answer of this other question:

When a new row in database is added, an external command line program must be invoked

Alternatively, if people aren't sitting around waiting for the computation to finish, you could use a cron job to run the C program on a regular basis (e.g. every minute). Then monit would be less needed because your C program will start and stop all the time.