postgreSQL concurrently change column type from int to bigint postgreSQL concurrently change column type from int to bigint database database

postgreSQL concurrently change column type from int to bigint

If you don't have foreign keys pointing your id you could add new column, fill it, drop old one and rename new to old:

alter table my_table add column new_id bigint;begin; update my_table set new_id = id where id between 0 and 100000; commit;begin; update my_table set new_id = id where id between 100001 and 200000; commit;begin; update my_table set new_id = id where id between 200001 and 300000; commit;begin; update my_table set new_id = id where id between 300001 and 400000; commit;...create unique index my_table_pk_idx on my_table(new_id);begin;alter table my_table drop constraint my_table_pk;alter table my_table alter column new_id set default nextval('my_table_id_seq'::regclass);update my_table set new_id = id where new_id is null;alter table my_table add constraint my_table_pk primary key using index my_table_pk_idx;alter table my_table drop column id;alter table my_table rename column new_id to id;commit;

Radek's solution looks great. I would add a comment if I had the reputation for it, but I just want to mention that if you are doing this you'll likely want to widen the sequence for the primary key as well.

ALTER SEQUENCE my_table_id_seq AS bigint;

If you just widen the column type, you'll still end up with problems when you hit 2 billion records if the sequence is still integer sized.

I think the issue that James points out about adding the primary key requiring a table scan can be solved with the NOT VALID/VALIDATE dance. Instead of doing alter table my_table add constraint my_table_pk primary key using index my_table_pk_idx;, you can do

ALTER TABLE my_table ADD UNIQUE USING INDEX my_table_pk_idx;ALTER TABLE my_table ADD CONSTRAINT my_table_id_not_null CHECK (id IS NOT NULL) NOT VALID;ALTER TABLE my_table VALIDATE CONSTRAINT my_table_id_not_null;

I think it's also worth mentioning that

create unique index my_table_pk_idx on my_table(new_id);

will do a full table scan with an exclusive lock on my_table. It is better to do