Searching data older than a Date with typeORM Searching data older than a Date with typeORM database database

Searching data older than a Date with typeORM

You can use MoreThan, the doc

async filesListToDelete(): Promise<any> {  return await this.fileRepository.find({   where: {        last_modified:  MoreThan('2018-11-15  10:41:30.746877') },});}

Also you can do this using createQueryBuilder as below:

    public async filesListToDelete(): Promise<any> {        let record = await this.fileRepository.createQueryBuilder('file')            .where('file.last_modified > :start_at', { start_at: '2018-11-15  10:41:30.746877' })            .getMany();        return record    }

Either of these will fetch OLDER data

with built-in TypeORM operator (docs)

async filesListToDelete(): Promise<any> {  return await this.fileRepository.find({    where: { last_modified:  LessThan('2018-11-15  10:41:30.746877') },  });}

with PostgreSQL operator (docs)

public async filesListToDelete(): Promise<any> {    let record = await this.fileRepository.createQueryBuilder('file')        .where('file.last_modified < :start_at', { start_at: '2018-11-15  10:41:30.746877' })        .getMany();    return record}