Secure encrypted database design Secure encrypted database design database database

Secure encrypted database design

GnuPG allows documents to be encrypted using multiple public keys, and decrypted using any one of the corresponding private keys. In this way, you could allow data to be encrypted using the public keys of the everyone in the HR department. Decryption could be performed by any one having one of the private keys. Decryption would require both the private key and the passphrase protecting the key to be known to the system. The private keys could be held within the system, and the passphrase solicited from the user.

The data would probably get quite bloated by GnuPG using lots of keys: it has to create a session key for the payload and then encrypt that key using each of the public keys. The encrypted keys are stored alongside the data.

The weak parts of the system are that the private keys need to be available to the system (ie. not under the control of the user), and the passphrase will have to pass through the system, and so could be compromised (ie. logged, stolen) by dodgy code. Ultimately, the raw data passes through the system too, so dodgy code could compromise that without worrying about the keys. Good code review and release control will be essential to maintain security.

You are best avoiding using MySQL's built in encryption functions: these get logged in the replication, slow, or query logs, and can be visible in the processlist - and so anyone having access to the logs and processlist have access to the data.

Why not just limit access to the database or table in general. That seems much easier. If the developer has access to query the production, there is no way to prevent them from seeing the data b/c at the end of the day, the UI has to decrypt / display the data anwyays.

In the experience I've had, the amount of work it takes to achieve the "developers cannot see production data at all" is immense and nearly imposible. At the end of the day, if the developers have to support the system, it will be difficult to achieve. If you have to debug a production problem, then it's impossible not to give some developers access to production data. The alternative is to create a large number of levels and groups of support, backups, test data, etc..

It can work, but it's not as easy as business owners may think.

Another approach is to use a single system-wide key stored in the database - perhaps with a unique id so that new keys can be added periodically. Using Counter Mode, the standard MySQL AES encryption can be used without directly exposing the cleartext to the database, and the size of the encrypted data will be exactly the same as the size of the cleartext. A sketch of the algorithm:

  1. The application generates a unique initial counter value for the record. This might be based on some unique attribute of the record, or you could generate and store a unique value for this purpose.
  2. The application generates a stream of counter blocks for the record based on the initial counter value. The counter stream must be the same size or up to 1 block larger than the cleartext.
  3. The application determines which key to use. If keys are being periodically rotated, then the most recent one should be used.
  4. The counter stream is sent to the database to be encrypted: something like

    select aes_encrypt( 'counter', key ) from hrkeys where key_id = 'id';

  5. The resulting encrypted counter value is trimmed to the length of the cleartext, and XORed with the cleartext to produce the encrypted text.

  6. The encrypted text is stored.
  7. Decryption is exactly the same process applied to the encrypted text.

The advantages are that the cleartext never goes any where near the database, and so the administrators cannot see the sensitive data. However, you are then left with the problem of preventing your adminstrators from accessing the encrypted counter values or the keys. The first can be achieved by using SSL connections between your application and database for the encryption operations. The second can be mitigated with access control, ensuring that the keys never appear in the database dumps, storing the keys in in-memory tables so that access control cannot be subverted by restarting the database with "skip-grants". Ultimately, the only way to eliminate this threat is to use a tamper-proof device (HSM) for performing encryption. The higher the security you require, the less likely you will be able to store the keys in the database.

See Wikipedia - Counter Mode