Selecting most recent date between two columns Selecting most recent date between two columns database database

Selecting most recent date between two columns

CASE is IMHO your best option:

SELECT ID,       CASE WHEN Date1 > Date2 THEN Date1            ELSE Date2       END AS MostRecentDateFROM Table

If one of the columns is nullable just need to enclose in COALESCE:

.. COALESCE(Date1, '1/1/1973') > COALESCE(Date2, '1/1/1973')

select ID, casewhen Date1 > Date2 then Date1else Date2end as MostRecentDatefrom MyTable

You can throw this into a scalar function, which makes handling nulls a little easier. Obviously it isn't going to be any faster than the inline case statement.

ALTER FUNCTION [fnGetMaxDateTime] (    @dtDate1        DATETIME,    @dtDate2        DATETIME) RETURNS DATETIME ASBEGIN    DECLARE @dtReturn DATETIME;    -- If either are NULL, then return NULL as cannot be determined.    IF (@dtDate1 IS NULL) OR (@dtDate2 IS NULL)        SET @dtReturn = NULL;    IF (@dtDate1 > @dtDate2)        SET @dtReturn = @dtDate1;    ELSE        SET @dtReturn = @dtDate2;    RETURN @dtReturn;END