SimpleDB Select VS DynamoDB Scan SimpleDB Select VS DynamoDB Scan database database

SimpleDB Select VS DynamoDB Scan

Wow! What a Question :)

Ok, lets discuss some aspects:


S3 Performance is low most likely as you're not adding a Prefix for Listing Keys.

If you sharding by storing the objects like: type/owner/id, listing all the ids for a given owner (prefixed as type/owner/) will be fast. Or at least, faster than listing everything at once.

Dynamo Versus SimpleDB

In general, thats my advice:

  • Use SimpleDB when:

    • Your entity storage isn't going to pass over 10GB
    • You need to apply complex queries involving multiple fields
    • Your queries aren't well defined
    • You can leverage from Multi-Valued Data Types
  • Use DynamoDB when:

    • Your entity storage will pass 10GB
    • You want to scale demand / throughput as it goes
    • Your queries and model is well-defined, and unlikely to change.
    • Your model is dynamic, involving a loose schema
    • You can cache on your client-side your queries (so you can save on throughput by querying the cache prior to Dynamo)
    • You want to do aggregate/rollup summaries, by using Atomic Updates

Given your current description, it seems SimpleDB is actually better, since: - Your model isn't completely defined - You can defer some decision aspects, since it takes a while to hit the (10GiB) limits

Geographical SimpleDB

It doesn't support. It works only from us-east-1 afaik.

Key Naming

This applies most to Dynamo: Whenever you can, use Hash + Range Key. But you could also create keys using Hash, and apply some queries, like:

  • List all my records on table T which starts with accountid:
  • List all my records on table T which starts with accountid:image

However, those are Scans at all. Bear that in mind.

(See this for an overview:

Bonus Track

If you're using Java, cloudy-data on Maven Central includes SimpleJPA with some extensions to Map Blob Fields to S3. So give it a look:

Thank you